
The Process

Step 1 – Diagnostics

The first step in all our work is to carry out a diagnostics – determine what the issues for your organisation.

Before trying to deal with any issue it is essential to understand what the key issues are for the organisation as a whole and how these might differ between departments.

Elephant does this through running a confidential questionnaire covering a range of subjects. This gives rich information on:

  • Your staff mental wellbeing
  • Workplace issues causing distress
  • Understanding of your current wellbeing offer
  • Your managers’ views on their needs to support their team’s wellbeing
We graph the information obtained and provide a commentary to support managers to better understand the issues facing their staff and to develop relevant strategies.

Step 2 – The Programmes

Having completed the diagnostics, we use this to produce a bespoke programme of action:

Our Core Programmes:
  • Workplace Policy
  • Managers Programme
  • Skills-Based Programme
  • Coaching Support for MHF aiders
  • Mental Health First Aid

Other Support:

  • Mindfulness Taster
  • Relaxation & Breathing Taster
  • Bespoke Support on other issues

Step 3 – Evaluation

After each programme, we measure and evaluate its impact.

We look at a range of measures that we expect to improve after (and during) the introduction of our programmes. This starts with baselines prior to our programmes and at key points subsequently. 

As well as mental health we measure key productivity indicators including sickness rates, staff turnover, etc.

We use this information to build our understanding to make our programmes more effective. 

Our Programmes

Workplace Policy for Mental Wellbeing

The Stevenson/Farmer review recommends that workplaces introduce a policy for mental wellbeing and provided a framework of 10 key elements. 

Elephant works with your key ‘movers and shakers’ to explain and implement this framework. 

The aim is to start to see real change as soon as the programme begins and to finish with key plans in place for the following year.

Elephant walks through the 10 points framework, explaining and giving examples of each. This gives staff time they rarely get to work together and plan which elements to adopt and how to implement this whilst also allowing them to take ownership.

Since the programme is run over a period of time, after each session a summary is provided to take back to remaining staff to discuss the issues, get further ideas and engagement and look for champions to support the plans. In this way, the whole company feels part of the process and may even see their ideas adopted.

Board support is required for this programme and ensures that the policy is adopted and measures agreed will be regularly monitored by the Company.

Managers’ Programme

This programme gives your managers the knowledge, skills and time to practice to take up their roles to support staff with their mental wellbeing. We start with explaining how looking after your staff wellbeing is a managers’ role, why mental health is a risk for all staff and teach them the soft skills to support on a one to one basis. We also discuss important boundaries so that essential support is brought in when appropriate.

With sessions separated by a week or more, attendees have time and the encouragement to try out their new skills and bring back experience and learning to the next session to continue their development.

  • 4 sessions each 3 hours
  • Learn to identify issues and support staff
  • Learn and practice soft skills that support
  • Discussing how to respond to different situations
  • Change/improve the culture in teams
  • Understanding how this can increase productivity
  • Understanding legislative responsibilities including reasonable adjustments
  • Demonstrating these skills using real-life scenarios
  • Coaching to help managers learn from their practice
Skills-Based Programme

This programme is specifically designed for mental health champions or MHFAiders and is focused on the soft skills required to support people struggling with mental health issues.

It provides an opportunity to safely practice these skills with situations you are encountering and gives time to discuss and think about how to deal with challenging situations. We look at ways to support attendees  to help prevent burn out and ensure they are using safe systems.

  • 3 sessions, 3 hours each
  • Learning soft skills to support colleagues
  • Learning a breathing exercise to help to de-stress
  • Practising these skills using examples you have encountered
Coaching Support for MHFAiders and Mental Wellbeing Champions

After training as a Mental Health First Aider, it can be challenging to go straight back to work and be expected to support anyone with a mental health issue. Understanding the boundaries is essential to this role as is feeling confident about what you are doing. In addition, you need to look after your own mental health as carrying others’ challenges can be a heavy burden.

This 2 session coaching provides a structured format to support Mental  Health First Aiders.

We help you explore:
  • The skills used to support others
  • The support offered and developing the options
  • Safety mechanisms and how to improve them
  • Looking after your own health
  • Ongoing coaching via your colleagues
Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a widely used training course. It  teaches people how to identify, understand and help someone who may be experiencing a mental health issue. 

MHFA won’t teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially stop a crisis from happening. 

You’ll learn to recognise warning signs of mental ill health and develop the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while keeping yourself safe. 

You’ll also learn how to empower someone to access the support they might need for recovery or successful management of symptoms. This could include self-help books or websites, accessing therapy services through their GP, their school or place of work, online self-referral, support groups, and more. 

Other Support

Mindfulness Taster
You will have heard of Mindfulness but might not know what it really is and how it can help. Mindfulness is a form of meditation that helps you to learn to ‘train’ your mind. 2 sessions, each of 1.5 hours
  • Your staff mental wellbeing
  • Workplace issues causing distress
  • Understanding of your current wellbeing offer
  • Managers’ views on their needs to support their team wellbeing
  • This information will be presented in a series of charts to help identify a plan of action to deal with your key issues
Relaxation & Breathing Taster
Controlling your breathing and the sensations it produces is an excellent way to relax, reduce tension and relieve stress. This taster will teach you techniques to do this. 2 sessions of 1.5 hours, separated by a week

In times of stress, your body shows an increased heart rate, faster breath and tightened muscles. But you can use your breathing to reduce this by making your body feel as it does when relaxed.

We help participants to:

  • Reduce their anxiety levels
  • Help to focus in a period of panic
  • Plan simple ways to include short exercises on a daily basis
Bespoke Short Programmes

We can also run a range of short programmes depending on the specific needs of your staff.

Short programmes we can run include:.

  • Stress Management
  • Sleep
  • Anxiety

We Can Help You

From comprehensive workplace wellbeing policies to Managers programmes, our tailored courses offer something for everyone.

Need Advice?

If you’re not sure which programme would suit your organisation or would like to know more information, contact us to discuss.

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